Peng, Andy

PNW local. Seasoned software product builder and technologist (TL) based in Seattle (WA). Engineer, architect and technical advisor. Public speaker and book author. Specialized in large-scale distributed systems and cloud computing (AI, ML services & infrastructure, foundational data services, containers, and serverless computing etc., open-source). Diverse experience encompassing both people management and technical leadership, including cross-company and multidisciplinary organizations collaborations. Community Lead of Cloud Native Seattle, CNCF Ambassador @LinuxFoundation; Packt tech advisory board. Guest lecturer and industry mentor @UW .

Manage, build, and scale several tier-1 products, new initiatives, businesses and teams spanning various technical domains:

  • Amazon Bedrock: The easiest way to build and scale generative AI applications with foundation models. (Collaborating with Anthropic AI hosting the Claude model families on Bedrock and launching new intelligent models)
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3): Object storage built to retrieve any amount of data from anywhere. (TL one of the top 2 profitable divisions)
  • AWS App Runner: Managed Container Apps Service. (TL a division of 70, Founding engineer & TLM)
  • AWS Fargate: Serverless, pay-as-you-go compute engine.
  • Amazon Alexa (Founding engineer of Healthcare domain)
  • And Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), AWS Elastic Beanstalk etc.

Open-source engagements: Kubernetes, Envoy, OpenTelemtry, containerd; Firecracker; Kafka; RocksDB..

Pickleball fan.


[Read more Publications | Projects | Professional Experience]

Selected Publications Services
  • Open Source Summit
    Program Committee: (EU24), (China2024), and (NA24), (EU23)
  • Open Source GenAI & ML Summit
    Program Committee: China2024, EU2024
  • KubeCon + CloudNativeCon
    Program Committee: (EU24), (China2024), (NA23), (EU23); Speaker: (NA22); Staff (NA21, NA20, NA19)
  • PyTorch Con
    Program Committee: 2024
  • Southern California Linux Expo
    Program Committee: (SCaLE21x)
  • DockerCon
    Speaker (2022)
  • Grace Hopper Celebration
    Technical Recruiting (2021, 2020)
  • Wo(men) In Tech Regatta
    Guest Speaker (2023)
  • NeurIPS (2019)
  • CVPR (2024)
  • IndexConf (2023)
  • WASMCON (Rust Global) (2023)
News Certificates (recent)

Research Topics (current):
Model-as-a-Service (MaaS)
Model serving and inference
Containers, Compute & Virtualization

Email: pengandy [dot] build [at] gmail [dot] com

Coffee chat with me: signup